索引式建築皮層 以可逆式鹼激發漿體皮層為例
Designer: 許登凱
Advisor: 薛丞倫 老師 | 郭文毅 老師
Keyword: Architecture Index / Reversible Building / Architecture Skin / Alkali-Activated Slurry

With the changes of the times, today's buildings have changed from being just for people to live into a kind of "commodity." The design method and production process tend to be "linear and standardized" for rapid mass production. The building is reinterpreted in the same way as the production line of the product. Like most commodities, the final process of production "decoration" is the most important. This leads to changes in the space of the original building. Users often can only feel the decorated building, not the space that architects want users to experience. This production method with emphasis on decoration has erased the diversity of the building from the "0-1" process, such as the process and traces from design to construction. This process is called the "architectural index", which leads readers to think and read in reverse. Through the building index, the production and construction process of the building is reversed to improve several spatial levels.
The 0-1 building construction process can correspond to the four phases of the building life cycle from "design, construction, use to demolition". Many architectural cases have applied indexing methods to design and construction. However, the "demolition" at the end of the life cycle is less focused. Demolition is the end of the life of the buildings. Buildings have a huge impact on the environment due to mass production and rapid manufacturing, so there is a concept of circular economy.
This research uses the building life cycle matrix to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the reversible building system. It is integrated into the design and application of "Detachable Indexical Architectural Skin".
在循環經濟的觀念中,建築「可逆性」開始被提及,我們開始檢討當建築生命週期到達終點時,「建築物」該何去何從,「可逆式建築 (Reversible Building)」即是將建築物拆解進行重新利用的設計理論與方法,簡單來說即是將「拆除轉為拆解」。