住居的自由與變化 一種奠基於鄉村的反抗
Designer: 陳詠載
Advisor: 吳光庭 老師 | 楊詩弘 老師| 王路 老師
Keyword: Housing / Typology / Rural Landscape / Youth Returning

"Freedom" must be the most important value behind rural residence.
The design research paper started with the observation of the Taiwanese countryside.Most of teaching in the department of architecture uses the city as the object of operation practice. The pursuit of space efficiency and rationality emphasized by contemporary architecture under the influence of modernism breaks with the author's childhood experience of rural life. It is the gap that became the motivation to look back at the countryside. Through the process of re-observing the countryside, we'll finally propose a different mode of dwelling in the rural.
The building must face the changing needs, in the case of taking residence as the machine of people's lives. With the development of society and technology, a laptop or even a mobile phone can break through the barriers of geographic boundaries, young people began to experiment with alternatives to traditional work models. The value choices reflected by Freelancer showed that the pursuit of quality of life has become a new target. The broke out of the Covid-19 spreading rapidly across the world, undoubtedly a step forward to the virtualization of life. Industries have tried the possibility of work from home, blurring the boundary between living and working. Balance between the different activities, rituals of switching behavior in residence, the interfering with each other or the connectivity of different family members, can all become the operational possibilities of the residential space.
以台南市後壁區為例,構思一個兼具變動、經濟、文化性的住宅型態。後壁區位于台南市最北端,嘉南平原北側,八掌溪南側二公里處,為八掌溪與集水溪沖積而成的狹長平原帶。其面積為 72.2km2,水稻的種植面積高達3500公頃余,居全國之冠。低休耕率與大面積單一的水稻種植使得整體環境呈現相當純粹的人工自然景致,零星散落的農地工廠共同組成其特殊的鄉村風貌。