Architectural Mass-Customization For The Mass:
Guiding design, Representing, and Fabricating to the end user
Designer: 黃于僑
Advisor: 鄭泰昇 老師 | Kane Yanagawa 老師
Keyword: Mass Customization, Participative, Generative, Interactive Environments, Digital Fabrication.

設計研究中,本案以客製化座椅為對象來演示「User-Generated Architecture」大量客製化的設計過程。
一、使用者需要一個低技術門檻的設計工具去協助與簡化設計決策,本案因此致力開發有效的圖形化介面(GUI, Graphic User Interface)設計,圖形化介面提供即時視覺式回饋,在基本設計階段顯示空間平面佈局以及環境品質評估。
二、「User-Generated Architecture」設計過程中整合3D感測掃描技術以人體尺度比例為測量基礎,透過程式設計演算法即時設計符合使用者的參數化空間傢俱。
三、當設計經過確認後,「User-Generated Architecture」將自動生成製造所需圖檔。
「User-Generated Architecture」的實現將會對現今建築設計的工作流程產生革命性變化。它在建築領域中提供一個使用者參與的平台,並激發人們創造「使用者主導的建築」的個體化表現,如同現今網路社群Youtube,Facebook中所構築的虛擬個體化中心的社會。
Just as the concepts behind Web 2.0 website development emphasized ease of use, user-generated content and collaborative networking leading up to what is now referred to collectively as “social media”, the discourse surrounding the “Maker Movement” and “Long Tail” economic shift revolves around the transition of this “social” revolution out of digital media and into the physical realm. This paper identifies the manner in which technological advancements such as, digital fabrication, 3D scanning / data collection, and parametric design strategies in the architectural field, converge to provide an automated design solution to bring mass-customization to the masses.
In this study, custom interior furniture and space design for a university dormitory serves as the experimental result to demonstrate the User-Generated Architecture automated mass-customization design process. The main challenges addressed in the current research are three-folds. Firstly, end users require a “low-barrier” design tools to assist them in the design process, simplifying the design decision-making process necessitating the development of a Graphic User Interface (GUI). The GUI design provides real-time visual feedback, displaying the spatial layout and evaluating the environment quality index while concurrently providing basic design constraints. Secondly, the User-Generated Architecture automated mass-customization design process integrates the use of 3D sensory captured data to collect the most basic end-user information such as body size and proportion. Such data is collected and parameterized into the end user’s design algorithm in real-time ensuring that the design solution is customized both spatially and physically. Lastly, when the design solution is complete, User-Generated Architecture automatically generates fabrication ready output data.
Utilization of the User-Generated Architecture automated mass-customization design process will revolutionize the architectural design workflow, as we know it today. It provides a platform for end-users to participate in the architectural design process, potentially creating a new class of “user-generated architecture” affecting the built environment in much the same way as social media giants such as YouTube or Facebook had on the traditional media space.

User-Generated Content in Architecture

Prefabricated Housing to Real-Time Fabricated Housing

Multi-Direction Surface ( Folding Pattern )

User-Generated Content in Architecture
六、使用者自造 Drafting to Fabricating