Performative Self-shading Facade:
Multi-domain optimization through evolutionary design processes
Designer: 陳宗煌
Advisor: Kane Yanagawa 老師 | 蔡耀賢 老師
Keyword: Multi-Domain Integration (MDI), Performance Optimization, Generative, Façade

Research on early stage integration of parametric building performance simulation and optimization technology in architectural design computation has seen significant development in the past several years. While the ability to simulate and analyze design solutions has been part of the architectural design tool-set for decades, the inclusion of such simulations into a parametric environment offers a much greater degree of control, allowing for custom integration of multi-domain simulation data and iterative feedback loops for optimization purposes.
Therefore, the aim of this research is to develop a parametric workflow that allows for greater integration of energy simulation data into the design process. This paper documents two important characteristics of early stage parametric building performance simulation / optimization workflow. Firstly, is the development of Multi-Domain Integration (MDI). It is important to understand that the built environment, and what is “comfortable”, as perceived by human beings, is dependent on various interrelated factors. Multi-Domain Integration takes advantage of various environmental analysis plug-ins already available in the existing Grasshopper ecosystem, and develops custom bridges between them using established environmental relationship data and formulas. Secondly, the application of metaheuristic evolutionary solvers such as the Galapagos and Octopus plug-ins, to iteratively test and evaluate for optimization, as well as inform design parameters. Lastly, a case study of the Multi-Domain Integration optimized self-shading façade prototype developed in collaboration with Shang Kai Steel Company for the thermal testing lab located in the department of Architecture, National Cheng-Kung University, demonstrates the potential of the proposed workflow. After collecting real world data, it is evident that the Multi-Domain Integration method presents relatively optimized results. Challenges to this process include the computational limitations of existing environmental simulation tools and hardware. The geometric complexity of the current 3D model and densely patterned perforations, necessitated that a simplified “low-polygon count” substitute be utilized for simulation calculations, resulting in potential deviation in the simulation. Still real world data collected from the fabricated mock up samples demonstrate parallels between the simulation software results. It is evident that the performance of multi-domain form evolution in the end stages are higher than those in their original states, and that there is a positive correlation between the scale of the fold and radiation gains as well as the rate of opening and the SDA.
In summary, Multi-Domain Integration in early stage parametric building design offers architectural designers the potential to provide optimized design solutions, which take into consideration various aspects of human comfort and building efficiency. The next iteration of this research can be expanded to include the development of a building platform for architects and Engineers to promote the development of the Sustainable Building Design.

This project investigates the Multi-Domain Integration in the early stage of parametric building design and uses optimized design solutions to propose a new Self-shading facade, which takes into consideration various aspects of human comfort and building efficiency.

This project locates in Tainan,Taiwan. Tainan has a humid subtropical climate that borders on a tropical savanna climate.

a case study of the Multi-Domain Integration optimized self-shading façade prototype developed in collaboration with Shang Kai Steel Company for the thermal testing lab located in the department of Architecture, National Cheng-Kung University, demonstrates the potential of the proposed workflow.

This project investigates the Multi-Domain Integration in the early stage of parametric building design and uses optimized design solutions to propose a new Self-shading facade, which takes into consideration various aspects of human comfort and building efficiency.