感知 / 以氣體交換探討人與自然環境之共生關係
Perception / Investigation of Symbiotic Relation
ships between Human and Natural Environment by Air Exchange
Designer: 莊帛軒
Advisor: 劉舜仁 老師 | 林再興 老師
Keyword: 高海拔樹林、雙層帷幕牆、ETFE薄膜

當全球大氣成分之組成比例因二氧化碳過剩而產生劇變,人類才慢慢了解到「氣體」原來無所不在,且對我們的生存極其重要。 然而氣體之無色、無味、無臭使我們難以察覺,再加上長期處於繁雜都市生活,不用說會對環境問題產生意識,有時甚至無法感受到自己正在呼吸,對氣體的「感知」能力日漸消磨。
When the proportion of the global atmospheric composition is drastically changed by the excess of carbon dioxide, it becomes clear to us that “air” is omnipresent and extremely important to our survival. However, the colorless, tasteless, and odorless nature of the air makes it difficult to be detected, in addition, we live in the complex urban for a long time. Needless to say, there will be awareness of environmental issues, somtimes we cannot even feel we are breathing. The “perception” of air is fading away.
Humans have used the fastest and most efficient way to reduce the impact of carbon dioxide on the environment, but we all overlook the fact that plants play the most critical role as “carbon recyclers” in the natural carbon cycle. On the other hand ,humans are “carbon producers”, the two are in a complementary state. We should use this opportunity to re-explore the more fundamental symbiotic relationship between us by the point of “air exchange”. The paper focus on the study of “air exchange system”of the building, using special environmental space experience to strengthen people’s perception ability, and to investigate the new symbiotic relationship between plants and humans.

感知 Perception
一、高海拔地區 高海拔地區,相較於平地,各項環境條件都更為嚴苛,尤其是大氣中氣體組成比例與一般我們熟悉的狀況有很大的差異,直接影響生物體內的氣體交換作用。 因海拔高度提升,環境氣溫下降,使空氣明顯變冷且乾燥;同時氣壓及大氣含氧比皆下降,則造成氧氣分壓(濃度)偏低,種種因素都不利於生物生存。 At high altitude, compared to the ground, the environmental conditions are more stringent. In particular, the composition proportion of air in the atmosphere are quite different from those we are familiar with, derectly affect the air exchange in organisms. Due to elevation, the ambient air temperature decrease, so that the air is cold and dry; Air pressure and atmospheric oxygen ratio are both decrease, cause the low of the oxygen partial pressure(concentration). All factors are not conductive to biological survival.
二、植物氣體交換 樹林底層因受光量少,植物光合作用受到阻礙,固碳量降低,在加上土壤分解作用旺盛,形成二氧化碳濃度偏高的環境。 底層植物因此演化出一套耐蔭機制,在沒有充分日照的狀況下提高對二氧化碳氣體的利用率,維持正常光合作用進行。 年平均生長量較大的樹林,代表有較穩定的光合作用及呼吸作用發生,意味著有較大量的氣體進行交換。 In the floor of the forest, photosythesis is inhibited and carbon sequestration is reduced due to less light exposure. In addition, soil decomposition is strong, resulting in high concentration of carbon dioxide environment. The underlying plants thus evolved a shade-tolerant mechanism to improve the utilization of carbon dioxide gas in the absence of sufficient sunlight to maitain normal photosynthesis Larger average annual growth of the forest, representing a more stable photosynthesis and respiration occurs, means that a larger amount of gas exchange.
三、人體氣體交換 人體呼吸作用在肺部發生,肺泡薄膜以擴散作用的方式控制氣體進出,並且利用壓力平衡體內及外界的氣體量。 在高海拔地區缺氧的情況下,人體透過提高喘氣頻率達到增加換氣量,吸入更多氧氣同時排出過多的二氧化碳,使人體更能適應環境變化。 Human respiration occurs in the lungs, and the alveolar film control the air flow by diffusion, and using the pressure to balance the amount of air between the body and the outside world. In the case of high altitude hypoxia, human body will enhance the ventilation by increasing the frequency of breathing. Inhalation of more oxygen, while exhausting excessive carbon dioxide. So that the body can better adapt changes in the environment.


夜間氣體交換機制。山峰及山谷溫差產生自然風場,在建築背風側形成負壓區,引導外氣進入室內空間,同樣透過特定氣體分離膜,引入外界之「二氧化碳」,同時將人體製造之「二氧化碳」抽離休息空間,儲存於構造底層。人可以於氧氣充足的休息空間進行良好的呼吸作用調節呼吸。 另外將夜間收集之「二氧化碳」氣體填充於ETFE氣枕內,日間能吸收紅外線熱能輔助保溫。
