以共享經濟探討都市介面 從舊建築改造到街廓整合
Designer: 洪安萱
Advisor: 吳光庭 老師 | 宋立文 老師 | 謝宏昌 老師
Keyword: Share economy, Community Urban interface, Collaborative consumption

In the twentieth century, with the development of newspapers, telephones and computers, data all over the world grew rapidly. Only 25% of the data was stored digitally in less than 10 years in 2000, while the digital data reached 94% in 2007 and this growth in proportion continued. In such a context, the shared economy has developed rapidly through the Internet platform and has successfully connected people in all kinds of needs who have been connected in a point to point way to help one another. Many shared economic platforms like UBER, Air BNB and others, which emerged from the United States, have been used to share traffic resources and rent goods to help them out, which can make better use of resources and even money. However, currently, Taiwan has been facing a situation with rising prices of commodities and low wages. This phenomenon is a great impact on the freshmen in society, so we need a sound strategy to solve this problem, which includes not only the sharing of income source, but also resources and space. In this way, social networks can be adopted so that young people can work together, learn from one another and create new lifestyles.
In this study, the author mainly explores the relationship among the shared economy, metropolis interface and users with the purpose of finding the lifestyle most appropriate for modern times by the discussion on these three issues and promoting a different dialogue between roles and space through this interface. In this way, the base can be a trigger to reintegrate the metropolis interface around the base so that. The original communities with breakage of resources can be transformed into balanced communities, the residents may have better quality of life, resources as well as shared collaborative ways and resources and space can be more effectively utilized to create new economic values.
In the overall design strategy, it is hoped to understand the roles played by the base at different scales by means of large-scale urban orientation and small-scale analysis so that the base makes it possible for interior buildings, relationship among interfaces and finally the urban network to have different levels of impact and change on the society and environment through the design operation.

[ 議題 ]-二十世紀,隨著報紙,電話,電腦等,全球資料快速成長。2000年只有25%的資料以數位方式儲存不到十年間,數位資料在2007年已達到94%,而比例持續上升。在這樣的背景下,共享經濟透過網路平台,快速的發展,成功的連結各地各有所需的人,點對點的連接了起來共同互助。從美國興起的許多共享經濟的平台,UBER / Air BNB ... 等,共享交通資源,租借物品來幫助生活可以更善用資源甚至金錢的所得。然而台灣現今的社會正面臨著物價不斷高脹,就是薪水不漲的狀況。這個現象對於社會新鮮人更是一個很大的衝擊,因此我們需要一個完善的策略來解決。不僅是經濟取得來源 ,資源與空間的共享更可以結合社會網絡,讓年輕人可以共同合作,互相學習與創造新的生活模式。
[ 動機 ]-希望藉由共享經濟/都市介面/使用者這三者之間的討論,可以找出最適合當代的生活模式,並透過介面的處理,促使角色與空間產生不一樣的對話關係。讓基地作為一個觸發器,重新整合基地周遭的都市介面。讓原本資源斷裂的狀況可以變成一個平衡的社區,使居民擁有更好的生活品質與資源以及共享的合作方式,使資源與空間可以更有效的被利用創造出新的經濟價值。
[ 研究範圍 ]-研究階段會分成文獻分析,節點分析,法規檢討,以及基地分析四個部份,都市,街廓,建築三個尺度去做探討,在都市尺度則是透過QGIS工具的應用,透過大數據的收集以及整理分析,將所得到的結果應用於設計的準則與參考。
[ 設計範圍 ]-設計階段主要探討都市介面以及使用者之間的關係以及新的生活模式。