聲音地景重塑連續性場域 以福安坑溪為例
Designer: 陳庭瑩
Advisor: 吳光庭 老師 | 沈揚庭 老師
Keyword: Soundscape / Sonification / Virtual Reality / Continous Places

People communicate with the life through the five senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. However, people often pursue a way to receive information in a visual way that can quickly learn the information, making humans use "Visual" accounts for about 87% of life,and ignoring other ways of perception.
"Sound helps people measure space and makes spatial scales easy to control (JuhaniPallasmaa, 2013)." Vision is the main perception and hearing is also
very important in the environment . Hearing can not only observe the environment from non-framework perspective, but also receive information that cannot be transmitted by vision. Through the design of the soundscape, which can be used to strengthen people's cognition of the place. "Soundscape can affect people's mood and preferences of sound environment thereby affecting people's feelings in the entire environment
(Charles, Barrio & Lucio, 1999; Kang & Zhang, 2010)."
This thesis attempts to take the soundscape to influence the space in the city. Through the study of sound and the historical development of sound, a question is raised in my mind: Why can't sound be distinguished in urban space? Explore the relationship between sound and the city, and build a bridge between history and now in the city. In response to the development of technological advances, breaking the existing urban framework to connect the continuity of the past and the visual and the auditory. New urban planning methods will be used to explore.
_ 以福安坑溪為例
我們透過視覺、聽覺、嗅覺、觸覺、味覺這五種主要感官與環境對話,但是隨著科技的日新月異,我們為了快速得知訊息,有87% 使用視覺來感知,而只
使用了13% 的其他知覺來感知環境。即使是影響第二多的聽覺都只有7%。
場所中的聲音,不同於視覺,「視覺」在各個都市中的自明性高,容易快速地分辨兩處不同城市的模樣,而「聽覺」在各個都市中的均值性高,相對的聽覺於都市中的自明性低,則無法藉由都市中的聲音現況進一步對都市做整體都市的聲音分析。因此本論文採用Max 環境中的分析資訊進一步將其聲音化,以創造都市聲音在環境中的辨識性。將場所解構為三個部分:天、地、場所特徵,天、地為圍塑場所感的基礎元素,而場所特徵為辨別場所特性的要素。將場所視覺轉譯為場所聲音,使場所聲音產生場所「自明性」進而產生場所的「聲音地景」。