以湧現理論建構數位設計與製造的新方法 一種觀看建築設計流程的新方式
Designer: 游婕
Advisor: 劉舜仁 老師 | 簡聖芬 老師 | 沈楊庭 老師
Keyword: Emergence / Digital Tool / Prototyping / Methodology

我們不應脫離物質性,不該逃離 數位性,更不可抽離設計性。
在數位工具不斷推演變化的時代下,似乎對建築師或設計師依然是一種再現設計的工具。而即使在這樣科技與數位快速進步的時空背景,不論在學校或業界,我們也還是習慣以傳統的建築設計模式來思考及操作這些工具。數位理論自 1980 年代蓬勃發展至今 ,有沒有可能讓我們去重新檢視數位工具的時代意義,以及它所帶來的新設計方法、新空間理論、新建築思維?
We should not break away from materiality, digitality, and design. In an era where digital tools are constantly changing, it seems that it is still a tool for architects or designers to reproduce design. As a whole, by quoting "emerging" as a metaphor of a phenomenon, I observe and compare the current traditional and digital design processes, and divide the research into pre-research and post-design. The motivation is to ask that contemporary digital tools are not just tools that present results in a reproducible form. Therefore, emergence theory has been introduced to explore the possibility of digital manufacturing tools in experimental architectural design. Furthermore, the design is operated from the hierarchical rule database established between tools and materials, and the aforementioned system is applied to the process from design to manufacturing, that is, the stage of rapid prototyping, to shorten the distance between design and manufacturing, which is a kind of manufacturing. Ways bring new method verification. At the same time, it subverts the original thinking of the expected results of the design process, and in contrast, how the nonlinear loop process that brings unpredictable results can be fed back to the designer's own thinking. The purpose of this research is to try to provide a new design method, to examine the contemporary digital environment in a new way, and to promote changes in design processes and tools. Substituting the word emergence into the relationship between digital tools and materials, a series of enlightenments arose, presenting a large number of complex and diverse results. Then sum up a new set of rules from these seemingly chaotic results, and operate the rules under such a system. The limitations of design conditions make it continue to expand the next step of experimental, creative and deductive design.
整體透過引用"湧現"作為一種現象的隱喻,觀察比較現今傳統與數位的設計流程,並將研究分為前期研究與後期設計。動機在於提問當代數位工具不只是以再現形式呈現結果的工具,故開始引入湧現理論,探討數位製造工具在實驗性建築設計中的可能性。進而從工具與材料間所建立的層級性規則資料庫中操作設計,將前述建立的系統應用在設計到製造間的過程,即 rapid prototyping 的階段,以縮短設計與製造間的距離,為一種製造方式帶來新的方法驗證。同時顛覆設計流程原有預期結果的思維,反觀帶來無法預測之結果上的非線性迴圈流程能如何反饋到設計者本身的思考。本研究之目的在嘗試提供一種新的設計方法,以一種新的方式來檢視當代數位環境,促成設計流程與工具之改變。